Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Boy Meets World when they are in college

Boy Meets World

Boy Meets World was awwwwesome. I remember i use to watch it everyday when i got home. Located in Philly it was about this kid Cory Matthews and his best friend Shaun...Hunter i think yeah Hunter, anyways it starts with them in middle school and they go through their adventures and mess with their teacher Mr Feeny. FEENY! anyways they meet their classmate Topanga who Cory first finds weird. As time pass they enter high school and Cory and Topanga date and fall in love. Shaun's dad dies and his brother who he barely knows shows up and enters his life again. Cory's and Topanga's relationship is strained when she decides to leave with her family to Pittsburg. She returns later and all is dandy after a bit of tears. After awhile they go to college (for some reasons they all make it into the same college) and Shaun meets his love interest but i forgot her name. Theres other characters like Cory's brother who was hilarious but i can't remember his name. They ended it and i was sad but they kept showing reruns for awhile so it was okay. But now i can't find it anywhere on tv. AMAZING SHOW.