Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Because I had to

So I get this phone call from my cousin at around 11 o clock at night. He calls to tell me that his girlfriend got into a car accident. Apparently she was driving in New Jersey (where they live) and while she was on route 18 another car was pulling out from one of the strip malls that litters that area. So as the other car was exiting it hit the passanger side of her car and sped off. The other car didn't even have the decency of stopping getting out of the car and seeing if everything was okay. He slowed down for like 2 seconds than drove off knowing that it was 100% his fault. So anyways my cousin calls me from the police station because they filed a report but in the state of shock they forgot to take the license plates number of the other car. So with no number and no lead they couldn't really do anything about it.

If I was driving I would have chased the other car down until I found out where s/he lived and get that person to pay for the damages because it was obviously their fault the accident happen and to try and speed away is ridiculous. I asked why she didnt chase them she said she didn't want to make an illegal U-Turn but I would have made the quickest u-turn in history and followed him whats the worse that can happen the cops come? GOOD I would have told them that car just hit me! Luckily for that person I wasn't driving or their car would be destroyed.

Atleast no one was hurt in the accident except the car obviously. When I first heard the news I thought someone got hurt or the car was completely totaled but when I went to Jersey to see the car it wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it was gonna be. The passanger side is banged up indented but it isnt falling apart and is still drivable(is that a word?). I hope she can get it fixed but i feel bad since they have to pay for the damages when it was not their fault at all and the other car basically did a hit and run!


JohnGiambalvo said...

that is so messed up.

Julii said...

wow that CRAZY
i think i would have also chased the other car.
when it comes to someone hitting my car i go insane.lol..