Thursday, January 22, 2009

President Barack Obama

Our new president spoke about a renewed sense of citizen responsibility for our common nation. When he said this i couldn't have agreed more. Each of us, Americans, need that sense of duty and common spirit of responsibility. Not only to ourselves and our families but to that stranger who just moved in next door or the lady getting off the bus with a handful of bags. As Americans we need to once again join together in making this country what it was meant to be and that as one, united, we can accomplish anything and together we can not fail. I only hope that President Obama's words can ignite a nation that for too long has dabbled in selfish agendas and the imma get mine i hope you get yours mentality. I feel that he has a chance to band everyone of every color, race, and creed to not only do the right thing when someone's watching but to do the right thing because you and I know it's what makes this country prosper. He spoke about the unknown Americans who toiled in sweatshops and factories the unnamed heros who continue to push this nation to a better tommorow. We all need that sense of responsibility. For too long we have praised the celebrities and the rich for doing absolutly nothing. The likes of Paris Hilton and Flava Flav need to once and for all be exiled to their respective homes and hopfully never ever come up in the news again. Only time will tell if Mr President Obama's words changed the heart of the people here.

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